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Joanne Oswell Jones - Founder and Managing Director.

"A beautiful thing happens when you start paying attention to your wellbeing - 
you feel sensual, vibrant, patient, clear, loving, and healthy, and you glow with radiance!"

I'm an author, an iridologist, a specialist in naturopathic medicine, natural health and healing, all aspects of detoxification, and a personal growth and expansion coach. 

In my early twenties, I embarked upon my growth journey in search of good health, powerful personal transformation and true wellness. I have been fortunate to learn from some of the greatest health and wellness teachers out there and have continually expanded my knowledge with teachings and philosophies that have a profound positive impact on our well-being. 

I graduated from the College of Herbs and Natural Healing where I studied under the direction of Dr Kitty Campion — A global specialist in natural health and healing and a pioneer in the field of naturopathic medicine.

Furthering my career and knowledge I then trained as an iridologist under the pioneering iridologist - John Andrews MH, Ir, FGNI. Graduating with a distinction. 

I've studied personal transformation healing techniques such as Ki Massage, Natural Healing, Nutritional Healing, Raw Food Coaching,  Naturopathic Medicine, Better Bowel Care Principles, Detoxification, Colonic Hydrotherapy, Iridology, Cranial Osteopathy, Shamanic Healing, Brennan Healing, Gut Health Healing, Meditation, Personal Development Coaching, Life Improvement and Wellness Coaching, Flower Essence Vibrational Medicine, and Transformational Bodywork.

I feel full of gratitude to have taken that knowledge and the twenty-plus years of practical application as a private clinician to help others in their search and path to true wellness. 

It's a pleasure to have you here. So why don't you take a look around the site and please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions - we're here to help! 

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